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R&J Beck Rapid Rectilinear 250mm F8

€100.00 EUR

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Importent Notice: I will be travelling through Europe during the next couple of months. The shop will be open for orders in the meantime. The coming shipping window will be Dez the 15th to 20th. There i will be able to proccess any orders.

This will be the last shipping window in 2024. The next shipping window will be somewhen around March 2025. So if you want your lens sooner then later, order in the coming two weeks.

History: R & J Beck was a pair of brothers who started to make optical aquipment around the year 1885 in London. This speciman is a good example for the Rapid Rectilinear / Aplanat layout lens. It was introduced 1866 and very fast became the to go landscape lens, since it offered a lightweight and compact design combined with an absolute corrected image field.

The brass is in a nice shape, showing very minimal if any wear and a beautifull golden laquere. The glass is a quite good condition, showing only minor cleaning marks and specs. The lens features a nice iris aperture, which is still fully working.

With its focal lenght of about 250mm and an image circle of over 35cm it will cover formats up to 5x7 (or 13x18) and fullplate formats. The lens is overall corrected (aplanat design) and shows a remarable sharpness all throughout the image field.

The lens comes with a fitting flange.

height: 5cm
width: 5cm
weight: 400gr

Insured and tracked shipping cost:

Germany - 10 eur
EU* - 20 eur
Worldwide - 70 eur

*(the site offers only 2 shipping variations, DE and worldwide. buyers from EU please either contact me beforehand for a reduced EU cost, or after buying so i can send a refund over the difference)

Importent Note: This item comes from my private collection and is around 100 years old (antique). I try my best to describe all the faults and major damage which are relevant for the function of this item. But the actuall item can show signs of wear and also some cosmetic blemishes/damage which is not described in the auction text! When buying this item the buyer agrees to this terms.

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